Wednesday, April 13, 2011


I love Rylee's Occupational Therapist. She really is great. Having someone come into my home 1-2 days a week is not something I enjoy. I always worry about being "sized-up." It's not like I'm a dirty person, but sometimes I feel like I cannot keep this place clean. I am constantly picking things up just to get them right back out. I tell myself that things would be different if we had a bigger place, but I know that I would just end up with more stuff! Anyway, today Rylee's OT told me that I'm one of the best moms that she's ever had. She's been doing in-home therapy for 25 years, so that was a huge compliment. It's nice to know that some people can really see the dedication that it takes to have a baby like Rylee. Most people look at her & think, "She looks normal." And she is "normal" but by who's standards? Rylee requires so much more than most babies. Every baby needs love & attention, but not every baby needs daily therapy & evaluation. I am constantly observing how & when she does things. I am constantly working with her to push her. Sometimes I wish that I could just let her do her own thing, but I have seen her go from having a severe head tilt & extreme lack of mobility to a squirmy, wriggly baby. It really nice to see that all of the time that I have spent stretching & moving & making her go a "little bit farther has made such a difference. So, I am very thankful for programs like First Steps & an OT like Donna.


  1. I'm sure you're doing a fabulous job and one day Rylee will appreciate and love you that much more for working so hard for her! :)
