Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I want to know!

I was just making a fabulous purchase of Huggies wipes on Amazon. It's an amazing deal that you can check out here. After purchasing my 3-216ct wipes for $10 shipped (told you it was good), I decided to check out the diaper deals. Rylee is an itty bitty girl (for 12 wks) & she is still in a size 1 diaper. I noticed that Huggies makes a diaper called "overnights" that has some extra protection for the long night time sleep. First I want to say thank you JESUS for Rylee sleeping through the night. She has been doing this for about 2weeks now, & it is AMAZING. That deserves repeating. It is AMAZING. Anyway, these overnights look so cool (as cool as a diaper can be.) Rylee hasn't had any leakage problems yet, but she is still being swaddled. I'm sure that once she starts rolling & wiggling in her sleep, the leakage will come. So that brings me to my question. Why are there no Overnights in size 1 or 2? Why should I be punished, yes I consider it punishment, bc my baby is already sleeping through the night & is small for her "age"?  If anyone could provide an answer or direct my to an "overnight" style diaper that will fit Rylee's little butt (my poor daughter is lacking in that area, just like her daddy), please let me know. She wore Pampers in the hospital & then I switched her to Huggies (bc I love the little snugglers), so I dont think she is going to be sensitive to a certain brand. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

It has really been just one of "those" days. It's raining, alot. The weather is cold & dreary & Rylee has not been on her regular schedule today. I have got absolutely NOTHING done. Rylee's occupational therapist will be here tomorrow, so I have to have the house somewhat tidy. She notices EVERYTHING. On the upside, therapy is really working. Rylee is moving everywhere! She is the most wiggly, squirmiest baby ever, but that's ok. Im glad she is moving in any way.

Another plus, I got my email for my free Christmas cards today. I still havent had pics taken. A friend of mine does them, & we havent set a time yet. He did Rylee's 2 month pics & they looked so cool. I even used one of them for her birth announcement. Here are a few of them:

Arent they great! If you ever need a photographer, check Richard Hudgins out. You can see more of his work here.

Well, I have lots to do, so that's enough updating for now. I'm really hoping that I'm not up until 4am like I was last night!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Opryland Hotel

This past weekend my parents took Rylee, Josh & I to the Opryland Hotel. It was my first trip, & it was amazing! Everything was decorated so beautifully. It was SUPER crowded the first few days we were there, but it was still really nice. We didnt do much, besides eat & hangout. It's hard to be on a schedule with a 3 month old, so we just wanted to have a weekend where we just "went with the flow." 

At first I thought that the crowds were going to be a huge problem for Rylee. After spending a month in the NICU, I would expect her to be frightened by large groups of people....but it was the complete opposite. She is such a people person. Most of the time, she just hungout in her stroller and looked wide-eyed at all the sites. She seems to enjoy lights (of any kind), so the hotel was so exciting to her. She smiled & oohed @everything! It was so much fun to watch her enjoy herself. I guess it was reassuring to see her actually responding to her surroundings. 

I forgot my memory card, so I only have a few pics from the weekend. :(  
Here are a few of my favorites:

Shutterfly for Christmas?!?

Christmas is SO close, well, at least it feels that way. I have much more to do this year than I did last year. Actually, at this time last year I wasnt even thinking about Christmas! I did order a few Christmas cards last year, but I never sent them out. That wont be happening this year bc Shutterfly is offering 50 FREE Christmas cards to bloggers! I am so excited to order these cards. I havent decided which one I will choose yet bc there are tons of options. You can check them out here. I'm getting Rylee's Christmas pictures done soon, so I guess that will determine the card I choose.

I really like this one (if I only want 1 pic)

...and this one is great if I have several pics I like!

Shutterfly is great for those New Year's Eve invites too!

I recently ordered some Christmas gifts from Shutterfly. I cant tell you what they are yet, but I can promise that they are super cute! So, dont overlook Shutterfly for you Christmas gifts. They have so many items to choose, such as coffee mugs, various prints or photobooks & even calendars! And if you are a blogger too, make sure you give Shutterfly a shout out, so you can get your own FREE cards!