Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Mother of a sale

I just found this new deal site: Mother of a Sale I love the fact that they are offering Agoo leggings for $3. These retail for $12, plus they have a flat shipping rate of $10. You can event order from their partner sites with the flat shipping rate! I just ordered Rylee several pairs of leggings. She seems to like wearing them now, & since she is trying to crawl, I think they will be very much needed soon. I considering these investment pieces, because she will be able to wear them for a few years. I dont think she has anything else, other than hair items, that she will be able to wear for a few years!

Well, Rylee is napping & I have a house to tidy up before Josh gets home. I'm hoping to make a trip to Hobby Lobby today. I need to get some stuff to make Rylee more bow holders.

Monday, January 17, 2011


I graduated from cosmetology school in April, & I had planned on taking my state board test the first of June. When I got my scheduled date it was when Josh & I were going on vacation, so I had to reschedule. Since I couldnt take the May test bc Josh's freind got married...in Chicago....& he was in the wedding, and then I had to reschedule bc we were going to be out of town again, my new plan was to take my test in October or November. I though November would be better, but as long as I had it done before the holidays, it didnt really matter. And then September came....suddenly every plan or idea I had went out the window. Now, here I am, 8 months out of school & I have absolutely NO desire to take my test. Even if I wanted to take it, I couldnt right now. Rylee's doctor & therapy schedules dont allow the prep time or the 12+hrs that it will take me to test. (The test is 8hrs & its in Frankfort & I would have to be present for my score.) So, now what do I do? Eventually, Rylee's appointments will taper down, but I dont know if I will ever have the time to study for my test. And to be honest, I really could care less about doing hair. I think that I will want to do hair again, but I really dont know what the next few years have in store for me. There is absolutely no way that I will be able to put the time & effort into establishing a "book" right now, but if I dont test & then follow that with my apprenticeship, I will lose all of my 1800 hrs. This means that when I do decide to do hair, I would have to repeat hair school. I do NOT want to do that! So, I guess the only solution is that at some point soon I have to start studying & then sign up for a test date.

Now that I have put it in writing, maybe I will be motivated to actually do it! Rylee wont be a baby forever, & even if we have more children, they wont be babies forever either. So, I have to remember that there is life outside of mommyhood.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

I wish...

I wish I didnt let so many things bother me, especially the ones that dont directly affect me! I hate that about myself. Honestly, why should I worry about the stupid or irresponsible decisions of others? It's their lives, their decisions. My new year's resolution was to stop letting other people get me upset. Im the only one that can allow myself or my demeanor to change.

Anyway, the past few weeks have been kinda busy. Josh has been working 6 days a week & probably will continue this until April. The overtime is great, but it sucks not getting a weekend with him. Ive been trying to declutter the house. We all have so much stuff, & it's been really tough...especially since then house has to be presentable for our weekly physical therapy appointment. I feel like as soon as I drag a bunch of stuff out to sort, it's time to find a spot for it all again. It's exhausting!

Rylee went for her 4month check up last week. She's been fussy since Christmas & also had an ear infection. The good news was that her ears looked perfect, but she had the flu :(  She's been on tamiflu since last friday & she seems to be doing much better. We have a follow up appointment today & she will probably get her shots too! Oh, and she has to get bloodwork done today too. Always fun times in our house!

Well, I guess I should get a shower while I can...Rylee is sleeping...we have a busy day today!