Thursday, February 24, 2011

Rambling & bad gas.

Winston ate the stuffing out of a pot holder today. Now, he has the worst gas he has ever had. What in the world was in that pot holder? I'd never used it. We got it from little gifts. It's not like I had cooked 5000lbs of beans & then soaked the pot holder in them. Geez! He is single-handedly destroying my smeller. Ha, smeller...or nose!

Watching Idol. About to watch Jersey Shore. Josh got rained out. Rylee is sleeping. All is well, for now. I'm disappointed in J-Lo's hair in the episode. Seriously, she kinda resembles Marge Simpson. SMH. Speaking of SMH, it only took me about 5 months to figure out what that stinkin' meant. I hate when people abbreviate things. Just freakin type it out. Ok, so the country cutie little baseball player with the super deep voice just made it to the top 24 on Idol. SO glad! He's adorable, & if I were 9 years younger....and not married...and not a mother....I'd probably have what ever his name is "fever."

Well, I guess that's enough rambling......TTFN :p

Monday, February 7, 2011

V-day, B. Paisley, Hazard & the future.

So Valentine's Day is coming up, Josh & I never really make a big deal out of holidays. We usually try to do something special, but nothing to elaborate. I've never been the type of person that expected a gift for every holiday, or any holiday, for that matter. Josh & I dont even exchange gifts at Christmas. It's not that we dont enjoy the holidays, but I really just feel like the TIME together is much more important than the GIFTS. Now I'm not going to object if Josh gets me something sweet (or sparkly), I'm just saying that I don't expect it. If he sees something that he wants to get, or if I see something that I think he might like, then we will get it. But there is no mandatory gift giving & I love it that way. I feel like the gifts that I do get mean something. There is nothing more impersonal than me going out & picking out (or even buying) myself a "gift" & telling Josh that its his gift to me. Anyway, so I'm not expecting a gift, but we do have plans to go to Bearnos for a heart-shaped pizza :)  We did this last year & also went to a movie, so Josh thought it would be good to take Rylee & do the same thing again. I love that he doesnt get wrapped up in the material side of the holidays either. So the plan is to go to Bearnos, but I think that we are going to skip the movie this year. Maybe we will make this a family tradition....until Rylee discovers boys & we take a back burner :( 

Brad Paisley is performing @the YUM center in a few weeks & I am super stoked. I have never seen him in concert, but he is probably one of the few artists that I can sing along to! The concert is on a Saturday night, so Rylee will be staying with my mom & we will probably get a room downtown for the night. Maybe I can talk Josh into going to Morton's again....I'm sure I will really have to twist his arm!

We went to Hazard, KY this past weekend. My brother played a couple games down there, & I like to take Rylee on short road trips. (I'm trying to get her ready for the long road trip when we go on the Bibelhauser vacation.) Anyway, so we go to Hazard. My goodness! Mountains everywhere! I have this theory that my death will come by way of a natural disaster (weird, i know). Anyway, I cannot even explain how freaking scared I was to be in the middle of a bunch of mountains. Seriously HUGE mountains! My ear were popping, my head was pounding & my heart was beating out of my chest. Obviously, I survived, but I'm sure that it was only by the skin of my teeth! Rylee did seem to enjoy herself, so I guess my panic attacks were worth it. She did amazing too! Everyone kept saying that she was such a good baby. I'll admit it, she is :) She really likes watching basketball, or any sport, & she even yells at the players. It's super cute.

Well, I guess that's all I've got for now. I've got a few crafts in the works & I'm going to start making Rylee's food this week.  I'm sure those adventures will make their way to this blog in the near future.

Happy Monday...for 17 more minutes!